Free From Religious Harm

Standing Up To The Toxic Behavior Of Religious Aggressors

 For years now, religion has been the tool that has been used in the name of everything despicable and detestable. These things range from violence, discrimination, child abuse, and countless other things. Those who do these things cling hard to their religion, and they are relentless in doing bad things in the name of these myths. Let it be noted that we do not object to someone practicing their religion peacefully.

 We believe in individual religious freedom. However, one person's religious freedom should not extend to harm someone else. The examples are as stated above. We detest discrimination, which is something that religion has been promoting for centuries. We detest violence, which is something that the religious scriptures themselves promote. We detest child abuse and spousal abuse, two things that  certain religious dogma is responsible for promoting.

 We also believe that these religions should not be forced or shoved onto anyone. Everyone deserves the right to know what religion they are about to walk into before they go into it. Everyone deserves the unfiltered truth about what is written in the religious books. We will help to expose details that religious leaders often don't talk about when they're trying to convert someone without that person doing any research.

 We will also be refuting various claims being made by religious extremists when they try to defend something that is disgusting and repulsive as they often do. Everytime they cause harm to a person, their book will be exposed. In the end, religion should be kept to an individual. Religious freedom for an individual, but with restrictions. If something causes harm, they are not allowed to do it. Violence, discrimination, spousal abuse, child abuse, etc... are intolerable.

 Religious bias will be exposed as well. In the end, humanity and decency triumphs over the mythological teachings of religious dogma.

 Free From Religious Harm does not condone nor take part in hating individuals. Our battle is against the toxic behavior of religious aggressors and against the ideologies that are causing the toxic behavior. Our fight is a fight of words, and it is strictly ideological. Peaceful and thorough refutations are the way of Free From Religious Harm.

 By doing things this way, we rise above the behavior of the religious aggressors who are certainly not peaceful. Our way is the way of reason, something that these religious aggressors should learn. As many have put it, hate the ideology, not the individual.

 A better way to put it is attack the ideas, not the individuals. Expose bad behavior, call to a better way. We encourage peaceful counter protests against groups such as the Westboro Baptist Church when they show up spewing their hateful ideas.

 What better way to peacefully oppose bad ideas than to write detailed articles?

 Free From Religious Harm is neutral on what a person does upon abandoning organized religion. Some become Atheists upon leaving religion, some become agnostic and seek for answers further, and some become spiritual but not religious. Whatever the individual's view is on this, all that matters is that bad ideologies are left behind and that the individuals think rationally for themselves and that they do not hurt others.

Note For Our Readers

 We are not affiliated with the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Despite our title being similar, we are a separate website. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, however, certainly has our respect.