Biblical Inequality: Women Preachers In The Church

We are in a time period where we embrace equality, where gender does not define what a person is or isn't allowed to do. This has even made its way into the Christian church. There are some churches where women are preachers. A lot (not all) of them teach the same harmful things that male preachers teach, the usual transphobia, homophobia, etc..., which are accurate Biblical teachings.

Despite their wishes to pretend like the Bible promotes gender equality, it actually does not. So before you fall into the religious system that brainwashes you, actually read the Bible and take it as it is without getting hooked by a manipulative reading plan. You'll find that it actually does not promote equality. Straight from the Bible, 1 Timothy 2:11-2:12:

1Timothy 2:11- "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection."

2:12- "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

Those two verses alone speak volumes. The women who are preaching in the church, and those who support them should see this. The Bible does not support your right to teach. It discriminates against you and literally tells you to keep quiet and learn with subjection.

If this has negatively impacted you, if you find yourself wondering if you should stick to a book that does not value your teaching abilities the way it does a man, then now is the time to research with an open mind. You don't have to remain stuck in it. The Bible is already riddled with errors upon errors that could not come from a perfect all-knowing creator. 

The rule of a perfect reliable book is that no mistakes are allowed. Even one error renders the entire book invalid. Therefore, it's only fair to conclude that the Bible is not the truth, and you do not have to fear its threat of eternal torture. Free yourself from the destructive and faulty teachings of the Bible.

 And before any religious apologists come trying to rationalize the Bible's sexism with the two verses following the two quoted in this article, we already know it's blaming Eve for the "transgression" in the Garden of Eden. It's quite simple, really. The Bible depicts women as illogical. Whoever wrote it has painted this image into the gullible minds of its followers. 

 Nowadays, we see women taking equal roles as men in various parts of the world, and we see them doing as good a job as the men. As we free more people from the psychological gaslighting of the Bible, we'll see those scales balance out more and more, as the Bible's countless lies will no longer manipulate the minds of those, including women, who would otherwise live up to their true intellectual potential. The story of Adam and Eve was meant to make women inferior. Whoever wrote it wanted it that way. The story of Adam and Eve is a fictional story, and it does not hold weight to the human rights of women.