I dropped a reply to a comment on one of Pastor Steven Anderson's many videos. The comment I replied to was a comment from a user named "ChristianMuzikiEndTimes". This user stated, and I
quote "this is so sad to me. How hard it is for a true man of the Lord to not break down during these hard times. Lord please help us so we are not killed for our biblical teaching".
The Biblical teaching he was referring to was Steven Anderson's ironic proposal that gay people be killed for being gay. However, no one is proposing that any of them be harmed. Those who
have a rational mind won't stoop to the level of Steven Anderson and the fraud book known as the Bible. However, Steven Anderson is facing criticism, and rightfully so.
Everything about that comment was ironic. Considering the name of that user, he appears to be an "end times" conspiracy theorist. My reply to that comment was, and I quote "No one's
endangering the lives of those who believe the Bible. Steven Anderson himself has promoted the death of gay people, people who haven't done anything to him. I see comments like this a lot, where
some evangelical says something disgusting and repulsive and then another evangelical claims Christians to be the victim when people react, peacefully, mind you.
Christians are not being persecuted. Men like Steven Anderson are trying to set up a society where gay people are persecuted and worse, oppressed. It's not persecution to react to that.
Quite opposite, it's counter-persecution.
Think about how many people in the LGBTQ community have heard this man's words. Think about the impact his words have on their lives if more and more people listen to his words without
rebuking it. Steven Anderson deserves the retaliation.
Persecution would be if Christians were being given a tough time for being a Christian, and they're not! Gay people have been given a tough time. Try to think rationally."
My reply is true. Those who live in America and are crying about persecution have never experienced persecution in their life. They equate criticism and not being able to make the lives of
others a living nightmare with "persecution". In other words, they want special privileges that include being able to do whatever they want to others without ever facing any sort of criticism.
They'll cry persecution if anyone dares say anything about it.
But then I received a reply from a user called "Richard Cloutier". He increased the irony of the other user's statement. Richard Cloutier said, and I quote "Ha, ha, ha, really? Christians
aren't being persecuted? Do you watch TV? Listen to the radio? Furthermore, it's obvious you don't believe in the Bible; otherwise you wouldn't say such stupid things. So, why should we listen to
your opinion if you don't believe in the Bible? Should we place man's opinion over God? Wow, you people need a hobby. You're always sticking your nose in places you're clearly not qualified to
comment on, with the result of YOU PEOPLE looking like the complete fool."
He got quite defensive with that reply. Along with that, he complains about critics "sticking their nose where they don't belong". That's pretty ironic considering that religious aggressors
do that all the time. Steven Anderson did that when he suggested that gay people be killed, even though it's not his place to determine who gets to live and who doesn't. I will explain why they
SHOULD listen to my opinion.
Let's go over some of the common claims from adherents of Christianity on what they call persecution:
1. Prayer in school
They like to claim that prayer was taken out of school, alleging that it violates their rights and leaves them persecuted. However, prayer wasn't banned in school. They are still able to pray on
their own accord. The school, however, isn't allowed to lead a prayer. Legally, students and teachers still have the right to pray. They just can't make anyone else do it if they don't want to.
School-led prayers violate the first amendment of the constitution because they force students to follow the prayer of the one leading it.
"The Supreme Court has made clear that prayers organized or sponsored by a public school — even when delivered by a student — violate the First Amendment, whether in a classroom, over the public
address system, at a graduation exercise, or even at a high school football game. (Engel v. Vitale, 1962; School Dist. of Abington Township v. Schempp, 1963; Lee v. Weisman, 1992; Santa Fe
Independent School. Dist. v. Doe, 2000)" ( https://www.freedomforuminstitute.org/about/faq/is-it-legal-for-students-to-pray-in-public-schools/ ) (to visit the link, hold down and select the
The Supreme Court never banned individuals from praying. They only protected others from being forced to do it. Any school that gives students a difficult time for praying on their own accord are
actually violating the law.
Public schools are funded by taxpayers of all sorts of different beliefs and ideas. It's only fair that they aren't allowed to force students to pray. It's also fair that each individual student
is allowed to pray on their own if they wish to do so, as they are able to.
2. ISIL/DAESH persecution of Christians
A lot of people have been severely oppressed by this group. Christians aren't the only ones. They are simply one of many. This group bases its actions on the teachings of the Islamic sources. In
the Islamic sources, jihadis are told to fight the disbelievers who are near to them. Adherents of Judaism and Christianity are given the choice to either convert, pay jiziya and consider
themselves subdued, leave, or be killed. Everyone else, including atheists, agnostics, polytheists, etc... don't get that choice. The Islamic sources order them to be killed on the spot. (See our
article titled "10 Reasons Why People Actually Don't Like Islam":
https://freefromreligiousharm.jimdofree.com/10-reasons-why-people-actually-don-t-like-islam/ ) (To visit the article, click and hold down on the link and select
Along with this, ISIL/DAESH has been killing gay people. Ironically, the same guy who responded to my reply is defending some teachings that condone this act. The difference is Bible and Quran.
Gay people are worse than persecuted either way. Therefore, Christians are being persecuted by the Islamic State. However, they are not the only ones.
3. Criticism
Criticism is not persecution. Critics of the Bible are criticizing the scriptures. When Steven Anderson makes a statement saying that gay people should be killed, he should expect backlash from
it. He is literally threatening the lives of them even though they did nothing to him.
They have their own safety to look out for, and they are fighting back against proposals to kill them. Steven Anderson's proposal would render them worse than persecuted. But when they protest
outside his cult organization, he cries persecution. Check out our article titled "The Cult of Pastor Steven Anderson" (
https://freefromreligiousharm.jimdofree.com/the-cult-of-pastor-steven-anderson/ ) (to visit the article, click and hold down on the link to select it.)
Sometimes there may be someone to remark "haha. You need a sky daddy". That's still not persecution. If they want to know what true persecution is, they should look at what's happening in China.
There's actual persecution and worse happening there. American Christians cry persecution whenever they can't get their way, and it's time for it to stop.
Here's my question for these two commenters who allege persecution: Have you taken time to actually look into how others are being persecuted? The fact that you use the suffering of actual
victims of persecution to your advantage shows that you do not. Gay people actually are being persecuted often by your own groups, but instead of understanding that, you defend the so-called
"right" to discriminate against them, make their lives harder, and even support killing them. Remember that they are human beings.
Keep in mind the tone of this article. Not once did I stoop to the level of hate. I acknowledged actual persecution that IS happening in other parts of the world. However, that still
doesn't justify you doing bad things to others. It was only in the recent years that marriage equality finally happened.
For the first time in history, religious extremism failed to suppress the rights of gay couples, and now the same religious aggressors who have been persecuting gay people for centuries are
throwing a fit about it. Any backlash they face for saying that gay people should be killed is deemed by them to be persecution. The irony of this is astounding.
In conclusion: Stop using the suffering of actual victims of persecution to justify yourselves doing bad things to others and stop using them to get your way with everything. It makes you
look like an idiot and a hypocrite.
Below are screenshots of the comments that led to this article being written.