In response to a recent attack on a peaceful critic of Islam, Free From Religious Harm is dedicating this page to Muhammad cartoons. The attack that brought this about was when an Islamic aggressor viciously stabbed a woman who goes by the name Hatun Tash. She was wearing a Charlie Hebdo shirt and peacefully criticizing Islam at Speaker's Corner when the attack happened.
For those who don't know who Charlie Hebdo is, I suggest looking it up. Basically, cartoons of Muhammad were made, and jihadi vigilantes responded with violence rather than having a discussion like a rational adult.
Due to these attacks, the best course of action is to continue mocking the prophet of Islam and posting more Muhammad cartoons until these aggressors get over it. The more violent they get, the harder we'll mock their religion.
Religion should never be used to hurt people. If your religion has any history of violence against innocent people, you need to reject it. Of course, these aggressors don't care. They just mindlessly obey. The result is pain and suffering.
This page is going to be constantly updated as more Muhammad cartoons are sent to us. If you want to send us a Muhammad cartoon to feature on this page, send it to us through Facebook Messenger. The link to our page is:
To visit it, press and hold down on the link to select it. If you have the Facebook app, just type "Free From Religious Harm" in the search bar. Send the Muhammad cartoons to us through Messenger, and depending on the nature of the image, we'll feature it on this page.