Jerusalem Chief Rabbi's Hateful Statement Against LGBTQ Pride Attendees And How The Torah Is To Blame

 The News Publisher called "The Times of Israel" released a news report about a particular chief rabbi in Jerusalem who made some remarks about the pride parade that took place. There are many who will try to ignore the fact that this is very a result of the Bible's hate speech. Adherents of Judaism believe in the books of Genesis through Malachi. For those who don't know, it's the books that are considered the old testament to adherents of Christianity. The Times of Israel reports:

"Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, the former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel, used harsh language to describe the LGBT community in Israel last week."

Gee....I wonder what book he's been reading to cause him to do such a thing.

"During a sermon on Thursday, the day of the Jerusalem Pride Parade, Amar compared the LGBT community to animals and mocked religious participants who take part."

His religion and LGBTQ don't go together? He must have read something to incite that hate in him.

“They did the abomination parade, which they are supposedly proud of,” Amar said in remarks first reported by the Kan public broadcaster. “Wild animals don’t behave this way,” he added."

How so? What is it that magically makes their actions "worse than wild animals"? Something the Torah doesn't like? Pastor Steven Anderson should be proud of this rabbi.

“We have reached this disgrace, this debasement, this corruption, that there are people who are called religious, who wear a kippa” who take part in the parade, Amar said. “If only they would take it off, if only they would eat pork rather than do this action.”

He would rather them eat pork than he would to have them do this parade. Of course, the Torah forbids pork. Deuteronomy 14:8 says "and the swine, because he parteth the hoof but cheweth not the cud, he is unclean unto you; of their flesh ye shall not eat, and their carcasses ye shall not touch."

Of course, it gives no punishment for it. The Torah does have a punishment for homosexuality, though. Leviticus 20:13 says "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Oh! So that explains this rabbi's hate. He wishes he could legally kill them in accordance with the command from Yahweh. It's almost as if the Bible is not compatible with a rational society.

Continuing with the news report:

"Alon Shachar, the executive director of the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance, slammed Amar’s remarks."

“Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Amar chose to incite against and demean the LGBT community, instead of sending a message of tolerance and inclusion,” said Shachar. “The abomination here is not the parade, but the tenure and oppressive positions that Amar expresses.”

All he's doing is basing his teachings on the clear commands in the Torah. Can you expect him to be tolerant when he's living his life based on that book? The best way to change his mind will be to expose the Bible's inconsistencies and errors and help him abandon that religion. Help him free his mind from such an oppressive book. Guide him into a better world outside of the confines of that religion.

"Shachar said there is “no place in Israeli public life for a chief rabbi who holds these views, even less so one whose job is funded by taxpayers.” He invited Amar to march with the Jerusalem Pride Parade next year: “If only spiritual leaders like Rabbi Amar could engage in bringing people together with love instead of inciting them with hatred.”

Well, if Israel is going to be a religious nation, then he's actually doing a good job in regards to the hateful teachings in the Torah. The Torah leaves no room for love and tolerance. You can't reform the teachings of a religion's main scripture. You can only choose one of two things: Torah or love and tolerance.

The Yahweh of the Bible is oppressive. He is neither loving nor tolerant of basic humanity. Despite what we often hear, he is a raging narcissist who establishes death penalties for some of the most absurd things comprehensible. Free From Religious Harm will discuss more of these things in future articles. All in all, this rabbi is being honest about what his book says.

"Amar made similar comments in 2019."

“There are people who call themselves religious who also fell into that trap,” he said at the time in reference to gay people. “They aren’t religious. It would be better if they cast off their kippah and Shabbat [observance] and show their true faces… With their bodies they sin against the Jewish people,” he said, using a Talmudic phrase meaning they are irreligious."

This rabbi doesn't even consider them religious. No wonder, because the Torah doesn't either. He stated that it would be better for them to remove their kippah (head covering) and stop observing Shabbat (Sabbath). Except, the Torah has a death penalty for not observing Sabbath as well.

Exodus 31:15 says "Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD; whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death."

Basically, doing any kind of work at all and not observing Shabbat is a death sentence in Judaism. An incident in the Torah illustrated such an incident. In Numbers 15:32-36, we read "And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks upon the sabbath day. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they put him in ward, because it had not been declared what should be done to him. And the LORD said unto Moses: 'The man shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.' And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died, as the LORD commanded Moses."

Imagine getting arrested and thrown in jail for picking up sticks. Then imagine a bunch of brutal, bloodthirsty barbarians slamming stones into you until you died an agonizing death, all because you picked up sticks on a certain day. If this were made into a movie depicting the full action, you would perceive Moses as a tyrannical, psychotic ruler. Those who have not actually read the book would think God would never do such a thing, nor would Moses. Reading the book, you'll see a disturbing reality about this book.

Now back to the news report:

"Some 7,500 people marched in Jerusalem’s annual pride parade Thursday evening, chanting for equality and holding aloft brightly painted signs supporting LGBT rights. More than 3,000 police officers secured the highly charged event, six years after a deadly attack on participants."

Good thing this religious dogma doesn't have a full impact on the world. Had those officers been working for a religious nation based on the Torah's teachings, they would have been arresting the marchers and the leaders would have handed down a death sentence. Let's all be glad that there are people who are disobeying at least that part in the religion (a religion with teachings that are incompatibile with logic, reason, and reality)

"The event demanding LGBT equality began with a ceremonial prayer for Shira Banki, who was stabbed to death by an ultra-Orthodox extremist during the 2015 parade when she was 16 years old. As thousands filled the capital’s streets, a small demonstration protesting the parade was held by members of the far-right and anti-gay Lehava organization."

Shira Banki was brutally murdered by someone who was acting in accordance with the Torah. Don't be mistaken. That book's clear teachings are the reason she is no longer alive. Had the assailant not been an adherent to that religion, he would not have done it. He would have been a good individual with reason and logic. The ideology is the culprit. The only way to fight back against it is to peacefully criticize the ideology and free people from it.

There was a large gathering of counter protesters to counter the parade march. Funny how religious dogma leads people to counter any kind of protest or parade that is both a fight for human rights and contrary to the teachings of their religion.

"Many streets in the capital’s city center were closed and the thousands of police officers on duty secured the parade’s route. The 2.5-kilometer (1.55 miles) march, from the city’s Liberty Bell Park to Independence Park, began at 2:30 p.m., signaling the start of pride month events in Israel."

Reason and logic has prevailed over religious dogma in this case.

"The annual event is a highlight for the city’s vibrant LGBT community, which is often overshadowed by Tel Aviv’s gay-friendly persona and beset by religious and political tensions ever-present in the capital."

Religious and political tensions... The political tensions are a result of the religious tensions. The religious aggressors who are aggressive toward the LGBTQ community just want to obey Yahweh's commands. They can't do that when reason is the governing principle as opposed to an ancient book of lies, deceit, and violence.

This is the 21st century. There is no reason to obey the Torah. It has already been debunked by the reality of the natural world. Let those who obey it come to know the truth. Let them be informed, enlightened, and free their minds from its oppressive teachings. There is so much better out there. Don't remain trapped by the limits of the Bible.

Times of Israel's article can be found at:

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