Quranic Error On The Chronological Order Of Heaven And Earth

The adherents of Islam believe that Allah created all things. Due to how scrambled around the Quran is, it is harder to locate the contradictions. However, through a careful reading of the Quran, the errors have been discovered.

 Speaking on the beginning of the Earth, the Quran made a slip up regarding the order in which it was created. Was the Earth created first? Or was the heaven? Well, the Quran's author claims both. In one part, it says Earth. In another part, it says the heaven was created first. The author of the Quran wasn't careful. As a result, that mistake made it into the Quran that we have access to. I'm pretty sure apologists will be apologists and scramble to "explain" or rationalize what is clear and obvious.

Here's directly from the Quran:

The heaven was created first:

2:29- "It is He who created for you everything on earth, then turned to the heaven, and made them seven heavens. And He is aware of all things."

The Earth was created first:

79:27- "Are you more difficult to create, or the heaven? He constructed it."

79:28- "He raised its masses, and proportioned it."

79:29- "And He dimmed its night, and brought out its daylight."

79:30- "And the earth after that He spread."

This is a clear contradiction. Along with this, that last verse has an error on the Earth's physical shape. That will be discussed in another article. But here you have it. A perfect all-knowing creator cannot make a mistake. If the Quran was the perfect word of an all-knowing creator, this contradiction would not be in there. 

Those who use this book as a reason to cause harm to others are doing so in the name of a book that doesn't even know the chronological order of the beginning of all things, and this book is not an excuse. Humanity prevails over religious dogma.