The Biblical Yahweh's Trap For Victims Of Rape

 Biblical apologists, whether if they follow Judaism or Christianity, speak the greatest things about the God of the Bible. The Biblical God, however, is not as just as he is thought to be.

Today, if a woman is forcefully raped, the culprit is punished (if the prosecutors, investigators, and judges do their jobs right and without bias), and the victim is free from her rapist. The Bible, however, has a more dark and twisted idea of what should happen to a rapist.

This Mosaic Law can be found in Deuteronomy 22:28-22:29: "If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days."

How many of you are fathers? If your daughter was raped, would you want her anywhere near the man who raped her? I don't think so. But, this Mosaic law wouldn't give you the choice. The rapist would buy your daughter from you and marry her against her will. These two verses talk like it's punishing the rapist. Those who are educated will know that a rapist marrying his victim would be thrilled by it, as he can then have his way with her every day for the rest of his life or her life (depending on who dies first), and no one can do a thing about it.

But, breathe a sigh of relief. We don't live by Mosaic Laws. We live by common sense and human rights (for the most part). Therefore, we give actual punishment to rapists. I pity those who are trying to practice this religion. They are serving a monster who would, given his way, force rape victims to marry the one who raped them. Even if you are a Christian, it doesn't matter that this was "old testament". It should never have happened to begin with.

If you are a woman who has seen this story in the Bible and have felt resentful about it, you are not alone. You feel that way for a reason. You've probably had to listen to an apologist give a faulty justification for this by saying that "God" made that law to protect the rape victim by forcing the rapist to blah blah blah. The answer is no. Deuteronomy was written by an obvious sexist maniac in the ancient past. It's invalid and it's outdated.

This article especially applies if you have been a victim of rape in your lifetime. You do not have to praise a God who would trap you with your rapist for life if you were under his laws. Apologists for Judaism won't be able to even attempt to rationalize this without completely tossing basic decency and humanity in the trash, and apologists for Christianity are going to try to brush this off by claiming that the New Testament is better. That, however, is false. The language of the New Testament is still one of sexism.

Read our article titled "Biblical Inequality: Women Preachers In The Church" at

Yahweh is not worthy of devoting our lives to. He is not worthy of being trusted as a moral compass. He is a malicious, despicable, low-down excuse of a deity.