The Quran's Challenge Fulfilled: Produce A Chapter Like It

 This article will be short and sweet. The Quran, in its consistent rambling threats, gave a challenge to those who criticize it. The challenge is in 2:23 of the Quran: "And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like these, and call your witnesses apart from Allah, if you are truthful."

I'll take that challenge. Here goes:

Surah al-Haqiqa (The Reality)

In the name of Aloo, the Most Beneficent, the Most Knowing

1. Have you considered those who deny reality?

2. The reality of what is written in their books?

3. For them awaits a wasted life.

4. It is far from their hearts to acknowledge facts,

5. But they choose to cling to lies.

6. Say to them "O you who deny! Would a perfect creator make these mistakes?"

7. If they are wise, they will heed these clear messages,

8. But those in whose hearts lies cognitive dissonance will seek a cover-up for that which is clear.

9. They are adverse to a new life.

10. But you, O Messenger, continue inviting mankind to the path of reason.

In Arabic:

١ هل فكرت بمن ينكر الواقع؟

٢ حقيقة ما هو مكتوب في كتبهم؟

٣ بالنسبة لهم ينتظر حياة ضائعة

٤ إنه بعيد عن قلوبهم الاعتراف بالحقائق 

٥ لكنهم اختاروا التمسك بالأكاذيب

 ٦ قل لهم يا من تنكر! هل يخطئ خالق كامل؟

٧ إذا كانوا حكماء ، فسوف يلتفتون إلى هذه الرسائل الواضحة 

٨ لكن أولئك الذين يكمن التنافر المعرفي في قلوبهم سوف يسعون إلى التستر على ما هو واضح

٩ هم معادون لحياة جديدة

١٠ لكنك يا رسول استمر في دعوة البشر إلى طريق العقل

There it is. The Quran gave a challenge, I fulfilled it, and now apologists are going to be getting nervous, angry, and try to cover it up. As for the recitation, those words can be recited in English or Arabic. If it's done in Arabic, it'll sound exactly like the Quran.